Today marks Gabby's one year anniversary of her surgery. I cannot believe it has been a year already. Time sure is flying by. Today we also had her one year appointment with Dr. Jensen. She had to have another CT scan done to see the progression of her skull. I thought that she would just be able to get the oral sedation, but she weighed to much for it. That was a bummer. I was so hoping to avoid her having to be poked. She did as well as any child would when they are being held down and having a needle shoved into their arm. At least they did it pretty quickly and only had to try once.
We got to see the scans from last year compaired to this year and it was amazing. Looking at her you can obviously tell a big difference, but looking at the scans you can really see how much her bones were corrected. She has some large areas still in 3 spots on her skull that have gaps. Dr. Jensen said this was expected and that over then next couple of years he would monitor that the space was getting smaller, and bone was filling in. If over time this was not happening, then he would have to go in and do some work to fix this.
We were cleared for another year. She will have to go through the same routine, but they said by 2 1/2 yrs sometimes the kiddos don't need to be sedated, they will just hold still on their own. Here's to hoping! We are so, so happy today that we are a year out. I am relieved that after all of Gabby's falls, bumps, and bruises to her head (and there were many of them!) she is just fine. Dr. Jensen even reviewed the part of the CT scan that is of her brain. I was telling him how clutzy she is so he went to look at that to make sure all was good there. It was and that made me feel better:)
On another great note, my nephew, Owen, was born March 19th. He was born with absolutely nothing wrong with him!! He is just perfect and my whole family is thrilled!
We have a lot of fun activities coming up around here. Both Alex and Gabby's birthdays are coming up. I am heading to Napa Valley with some girlfriends I don't get to see very often, and Mark is heading out on a trip to Ireland. Alex is going to turn 4 and I cannot believe it. He is really turning into a little man. The things he says sometime just crack me up. However, he still can through a fit with the best of them. I am certainly looking forward to summer and spending as much time outside as possible!
We have decided to sell our house, and have put it on the market over the past month. We have been eyeing up a particular lot, closer to town that we are now, ever since we bought our house. The price came down enough to make up our minds to move. We are currently finishing up our house plans and are excited to begin the building process some time soon. Should make for an interesting summer!

Happy Easter!!
1 comment:
Oh Jody, I am SOOO glad to hear that Gabby's appointment went well with Dr. Jensen. Funny, I really look foward to seeing him. I know he cares so much for our children ~ you can just see it in his eyes. LOVE it!
I am also so glad to hear that your nephew was born in perfect condition. GAH, all the worring for nothing. How scary!!
Keep in touch!!
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