Gabby's Journey Through Craniosynostosis

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

9 months old

I just wanted to share some of the cute pictures we had taken yesterday by Aubrey (
Gabby is getting to be so big. Time seems to be flying by, yet going at a snails pace at the same time... It really needs to get nice outside soon so we can get outside to play! It seems like everywhere we go there are people hacking all over the place. I have also heard of the chicken pox going around, so I am trying to keep Gabby away from groups of people from now until the big day in hopes of keeping her healthy (even though it didn't work last time). This is no fun at all! She is at Grandma's house today so Alex and I could go to a Fire station tour with our playgroup. I think she or Alex will have to spend some time there over the next few weeks for me to keep my sanity. Keeping an almost 3 year old boy indoors all day here alone for weeks on end is really a form of torture I think. Our two week stint last month made us both go stir crazy, so I am going to have to plan better this time around.
Gabby seems to be doing better, but still rests her head on her highchair when she eats, like her ear hurts. We see our ped tomorrow morning. If things are not looking great I am going to make sure she gets to see an ENT to check her out and get their opinion.
I think I have come to terms with the idea of using the blood bank. The more research I did, it sounds like this might be the worst route to go with. I guess 85% of blood bank donors are regular donors. This means that their blood is screened time and time again- where as a one time donor would only be screened that once (granted one time should be enough I would think!) I just need to let this issue go I guess, but for whatever reason, I can't. Maybe it is because it seems to be the one thing we have a little control over. I just hate the idea of her having to get someone else's blood. I just wanted her to get her daddy's blood. Ok. I am done thinking about that part. I will move on now I promise.
So back to Gabby's pictures. I absolutely LOVE the picture of her in the tights with the feather in her hair! I love that she will have this beautiful photo of herself showing her beautiful head scar less. I also love that these photos really show how beautiful she is before the big surgery, with all her quirks that make her Gabby. I certainly will cherish these photos of how my gorgeous baby looked before many of her features were changed. I guess one more good reason the surgery was put off!


Pam said...

Those photos are precious! She will love to see them when she gets older:)

heather said...

When my dad was born he had cleft lip and palate. The hospital was far from home and his parents could not always be there. When the time for his surgery came, they couldn't come. While his parents thought they could donate blood, it didn't happen. The surgery was almost cancelled because of the lack of blood. But the father of another pediatric patient heard of this problem and donated his blood. My dad's palate was fixed.

Because of the kindness of this stranger, my father made it his personal mission to donated blood as much as possible. In his lifetime, he donated over 20 gallons of blood.

Be assured that blood donors care very much about what they are doing.

heather said...

beautiful girl! beautiful photos!