Gabby's Journey Through Craniosynostosis

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Going Home Day!

Today we get to go home!!! I cannot tell you how happy and excited I am at the idea that we are driving away with this whole ordeal behind us. It is such a relief after worrying about her pretty much the whole span of her life. Now, I will worry, but it will be about not bumping her head, not that she still has to undergo all this.

I need to pause here and say a prayer- our room is across from the flight for life helipad and a helicopter just landed. This is really a heartrenching place to be. Wonderful that we have such an amazing hospital for our children to be able to come to and be in the best hands, but also very sad. It is hard to continue to sit here and write when I get to look at my sweet baby sleeping so peacefully in her bed and know that another family is just beginning the worst day of their lives. Please say a prayer for them too.

Yesterday Gabby was up pretty much the whole day. At times it was even challenging keeping her occupied with her toys because she wanted to get down and crawl. She has an IV in her foot so she cannot yet crawl. She had a hard time falling asleep yesterday and only took very short naps. Last night though she did awesome. She slept from 8:30 pm to pretty much 6:30 this morning. She even fell back asleep easily when she was woken for her vitals and meds every 4 hours. Good Girl!!

Last night we were able to get a stroller type thingy and push her around the floor and even brought her down to the first floor to see the huge fish tank. She was her old self as soon as we started walking! Babbling, laughing, and clapping at everyone. It was so good to see!

Dr. Jensen was in this morning and said Gabby is doing great! We get to go home!!!! The only concern is her eating. She is nursing a little, and still refusing bottles. She gobbled down some baby food last night so we tried that again this morning. Bad idea. She barfed it all up over herself and Mark. So now we are back to just trying milk for now. Before we can go she needs to get in one or two good feeds without throwing up. They just don't want us to get home and have to come back. Man, that would not be good. So let's hope she eats like a champ this morning so we can get going!!

She is napping now and we are starting to get all of our stuff together. Things certainly accumulated in here! The girl is going to have stuffed animals pouring out of her room! Alex is going to be pretty excited to play with everything! I guess it is supposed to snow quite a bit today too. Rain and then snow. Great. I am already nervous about putting Gabby in her car seat comfortably, now we have to worry about the roads too. Let's hope they are wrong about that!


LisaK said...

She looks so happy! She will be so glad to be back home as I know you and Mark are. How wonderful to be able to put the surgery behind you. Have a safe trip home.

ajmilli said...

Oh wonderful!!! I have been following Gabby's blog for the past several weeks and cannot tell you how happy I am for you that everything went so smoothly. It sounds like Gabby (and all of you) are troopers. We can't wait to see you guys again. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you when you get home!! Take care:)

Cole Twins said...

What great news! Hopefully she ate like a champ today. Let us know when you are home and if you need anything.

Drive safe!!!