Gabby's Journey Through Craniosynostosis

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Out of the PICU

The day has gotten away on me! I keep writing some stuff and then get destracted and stop. Gabby was transfered out of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit around noon. She did pretty good over night. She woke up quite a bit and cried, but was able to go back to sleep ok. She did require more morphine at midnight, but since then she has just tylenol and most recently got to eat a little so she got the good stuff- tylenol with codine. I FINALLY got to hold her around 10:00 am this morning. It was a bit scary to have her transfered from her crib to me, but she did great. She could still see out of both eyes this morning, at least a little. Now they are both swollen shut. I think this is the worst part. Right now, her head is all wrapped up and I cannot see her insicion. But having her cry with out being able to see me is heartbreaking.

Her drain tubes coming from her head on one side was not draining properly and there is some blood on the head dressing coming from her incision. Dr. Jensen said he may have to remove the dressing tonight- before he would normally like to. He said he may need to assess what is causing the bleeding. He thinks it is related to the quick swelling of her right side of her face and the drain not working. There was also some concern about a rash Gabby got two times that may be related to the antibiotics she is on so they are monitoring that as well. Today my parents continue to be here and Mark's mom and sister Tricia just arrived. Gabby is sleeping well now and will hopefully continue to sleep good and start to want to eat something soon. Please keep her in your thoughts as today. She is having a rough day.


Unknown said...

Oh Jodi. I'm teary just reading this. Poor Gabby, poor you. Can she hear you? Can you sing to her or read to her? Are you still breastfeeding? Poor thing. I'm praying!

Unknown said...

PS--it says that I am "Mary" but actually it's Jenny Johnson writing.

Sondra said...

oh Jody! Poor little Gabby and you! I couldn't imagine having my child not see me and crying out. She is so lucky to have such a strong mommy! I hope her swelling goes down and her draining goes back to normal and no complications.
I was reading about the possible reaction to the antibiotics, and don't know what she is on, but just from my experience, when I was little and needed to have my appendix out, they put me on codine, in which I broke out and became all itchy and it hurt (hard to explain). I still can not have anything with codine in it, as I was diagnosed as being allergic to it. Hope you are able to figure out what Gabby's reaction is from.
Sending prayers and hugs!!

Stacy said...

Jodi, I just read your blog and I am also crying I look at those pictures and see that little girl and I just feel for you also, I remember how hard it was when Carson was in PICU and I was told I couldn't hold him. That's hard! I am thinking of you all and praying Gabby gets better!

heather said...

I'll be praying for you and Gabby.