Gabby's Journey Through Craniosynostosis

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Settled In

Gabby got settled in to the PICU and is doing well. They have many monitors on her checking her heart rate, her blood pressure, and a few other things I forget right now:) You can see the drains they have coming from her head that are draining the fluid and blood from between her skull and skin so it does not pool in her scalp. She has been sleeping ever since we came in here. I guess she was trying to crawl out of the crib before we got to come in and they had to give her some morphine. She needs to be still for the next couple of hours to stop the bleeding. Also they don't want her crying as that can increase her blood pressure and also cause more bleeding. It feels really good to be here next to her and have the worst behind us!


Sara said...

Hi Jodi-I was away from a computer all day so this is the first time I've been able to check in. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!! What a relief! Way to Gabby and way to stay strong Mom and Dad! You're still in my prayers!

Jan said...

Thinking of you! So glad the surgery went well. I know you are all relieved it's over. What a trooper! Thanks for keeping everyone updated. You've got a ton of people thinking & praying for you guys!


Melissa said...

Awww...what a sweet baby.

Amy said...

Nothing cuter than a sleeping baby!

Kam said...

Hi Jodi & Mark,

We are so glad to hear that the big day has finally arrived and that everything is going okay! I am volunteering at Children's this Thurs and Fri and will try to get in touch with you.

Take care,
Kam & Tom

LisaK said...

Aw, she looks really good!

Pam said...

So glad that all went well! My heart goes out to you! Thanks for filling us in on everything. I know the next few days will be busy for you guys. Sending your family & Gabby lots of ((((HUGS)))

Cole Twins said...

She looks great Jodi!! Tomorrow might be a bit bumpy as well, but hang inthere, you are now on the "otherside" and she will "turn the corner" quickly!!! I promise!

Cant wait to see you guys tomorrow!

BIG HUGS! Get some sleep tonight!!!